Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Magic Faraway Tree

You remember that book? I'll have to say "The Magic Faraway Tree" was one of my favorite trilogies when i was 8 or 9. Enid Blyton is terribly brilliant with children's stories, don't you agree?

*haha* I was just stalling. This has nothing to do with the book. (Though perhaps somewhere in the future, i could do a quick review about it. I loved it that much!) ANYWAY, returning to matters at hand.

Just to announce that my composition "Far Away", has officially been uploaded.

Here are the usual disclaimers:
This is just a demo and therefore has not been editted much and also the recordings aren't very clean. Give it a listen and i'm open to feedback. Bear in mind though, that i have a low threshhold for pain, so do be kind, my little dears.


Click here to listen.

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