i had never worn a pair of heels proper until i was eighteen. (okay, i may have walked around the house in my mom's then oversized pairs - when i was 11 or 12 but the sessions never lasted ten minutes, which is why it doesn't count.) (oh, but then again, i've worn heels to church -- hmm, they were one inched sissies. So that doesnt count either.) *clears throat* Returning to the subject,
I still remember that grim September night. It was my cue to sing, and with that responsibility, donned the freaky 3 inched elevated black abominations, people call heels.
*digs virtual junk box* Ahh, here it is.
Sure, they look fine NOW. But have you any idea how much those things eat into you? I had horrid red indentations (yes, INDENTATIONS) on my feet, and huge errupting blisters after I took them off later that night. Needless to say, I suffered major leg cramps from it. And I could've sworn my ankles were swelling up the next morning!
I never could understand the purpose of heels. But doggoneit, they could make a duck's webbed feet look really good. (In this case, mine.)
Friend: Wow, those fit you like a glove!
Me: *face distorted to fit agony(not unlike the face you make when you're constipated)* More like hard plasticine being pressed into a tiny mould!
*and they all laughed*
They always laugh. But hey, it's not my fault. When I was in co-ed high school, it was a matter of who was the toughest, not most delicate. You needed to be tough to be able to garner respect from the guys. Else they treated you like... well, like a girl. And I didn't like being pushed around. I always loved being on top of the game. And that meant, no heels, no dresses, no skirts.
Heels were the SYMBOL, the very essence and mascot (if it were organic) of Fragility! At least that was what i thought then. (i mean, come on! The word "Heel" is used to get a dog to follow you about when outdoors! What does that say about the poor people who have to WEAR them?) So it was no surprise to me when even the word itself eventually became a taboo.
And then, came college. Classes were fine. You could go in your flip flops (Godsend!), your walking shoes, your boots, (heck!) even your bunny slippers, and not be given "the look". But how do you escape....
*cue suspense music*
(I was part of my college band and everyone had to be all dressed up for it. Wearing a dress automatically meant wearing heels. The painful fact of a girl's life.)
I've always wondered how my girly buddies could handle the harrowing, putrid pain with such "ease" and still be able to bid me a good morning. I was later told that it took practice. And that you had to get your feet to "wear into them". Whatever that means.
To their credit, I guess i sorta understood what they were getting at. But it never made me wanna go out and buy a pair, you know? It would almost be like endorsing my own affliction! Buying my own pain. (*momentary pause* whoa. had a mental imagery of me buying a packet of "cramps". it was attractively packaged too. like cookies! *shakes head gravely*)
Anyway, i had BARELY forgotten about my first "hell heel" experience when posters are plastered all over the college announcing the next prom. Aiyo.
*digs deeper into virtual junk box*
But nothing could prepare me for what would happen next. Phoebe got A JOB! A job that required one to wear a minimum of two inched detestations to work. I mean, was i in trouble or what?
Anyway, to quickly end this already windy tale, I had to purchase outfits for workplace and with those purchases came my first few pairs of misery. A couple of dozen blisters, cramp episodes, and hardened follicles later, i can proudly say that i have officially "worn into 'em". (i'm only assuming what it means, by the way.) I usually had to walk to the station, take a Putra to KLCC and then walk to my workplace from there. Heels and walking don't mix. Trust me. So i walk in my flip flops, change into my heels in the office. Hah!
I have not as many as the average shoe enthusiast, but they're enough for as long as they last. I actually use heels more often than not now, after my recent work experience and they dont quite hurt as bad. (quite. *chuckles*)
So there you go. My Great Compromise.
But Heels STILL kill the sole.
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