Monday, July 28, 2008

Gig Off!

Sorry, guys!

Organizers have just informed me that the Menara See Hoy Chan gig has just been postponed to a possible date in October!

I've lost many a gig to evil October, actually: Missed a half hour show at No Black Tie, and now this.

Meanwhile, the excitement of my takeoff continues to brew!

You'll hear from me when things look a little less dull. *laughs*



Zavia/GenX said...

Kenrick CHUA here, waaa sad that I don't get to hear you sing one last time.

Thought this weekend was shaping up to be rather eventful.
If ya sing in USA, send the video clip ya?

nothing of interest here said...


for sure kenrick, for sure.

Thanks for a GREAT weekend!