Friday, September 21, 2007

A Piercing Truth

"Obstacles are put in your way
to see if what you want
is really worth fighting for."

I saw this on a little girl's status message today, and i was momentarily stunned at its piercing truth. I'm not sure where she gets these stellar phrases, but i was just torn apart at the sight of it.

how many times have i just failed to show that what i wanted or desired, was really worth the fight? Worth the effort, condemnation, pain and frustration? How many times have i just opted to pull out? To complain?

And in context to what i've been going through as of late, it just served as a form of confirmation. I'd been trying to justify the circumstances, reason out possibilities, play the blame game, suppress my brokenness and weakness....

I just have to keep my eyes focused on the Lord. This is not the time to falter. It's not the time to give up. I refuse to let myself believe that this is the way things usually work. I will press on and take the road less traveled.

In the words of the wise Dory, in Finding Nemo,

"just keep swimming,
just keep swimming,
just keep swimming,
swimming swimming,
what do we do?
we swim... "

Looking forward to the fulfillment of our higher calling. This wasn't meant to be. I wasn't meant to merely survive. On the contrary! I want to.....

Thrive. Grow. Learn. Mature. Dream.
Believe. Trust. Love. Forgive. Laugh. Live.

I want to believe amidst doubt. Strip myself from hypocrisy. I want my faith to be fueled by innocence again. I want to be able to love with all my heart. I want to be able to see the way God does.

I want to remember that:

"Obstacles are put in my way
to see if what i want
is really worth fighting for."

Just keep swimming, phoebe. just keep swimming.

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