Friday, September 21, 2007

I Never Thought

I never thought I'd live to see the day....
.......Fried Petai and Minced Meat Sambal served as an official dish with rice. I didn't even know it was legal (in accordance to "Ye Ole Cook-Parchment")!

I never thought I'd live to see the day....

Theme: Champion (Phil 4:13)
Date: 10-13 December 2007
Taiping Golf Resort, Taiping
Cost: RM240 (RM20 refund for early birds at the camp: 20th November 2007)
Speaker: Mike Pivalachi

....... HUGE camp be held in Taiping! Maybe they're running out of venues to place it at, maybe they needed a little more tranquility, - heck, maybe they even like Taiping! All i know is that my youth group is LOVING the idea. *chuckles*

I never thought i'd live to see the day......

.........I'd actually graduate, let alone leave the country! I still can't believe i'm going to Bermidji State University (Minnesota, USA)) next year. It looms over me like a daunting thunder cloud; yet - holding much potential energy, holding much refreshing rain. Only God knows how much i need a good washing! *smiles* A year ago, I would've thunk this impossible.

But then again, a year ago, i never thought i wouldn't be able to cope with the conditions of love eternal. *laughs* Such impertinence! Such tomfoolery!

Such an awesome, awesome God.


So yeah. I never thought.

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