Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Like Pie! Take Two.

In my previous post, i mentioned that i finally attempted shepherd's pie for the very first time, ALL by myself. And..... i had royal fun doing it!

How'd it turn out? See for yourself!

Ain't she gorgeous? I'm ever so proud of it!

Thick mashed potato goodness, all golden and crisp on the top, creamy in the middle and a thick layer of mixed vegetables cooked with bits of meat, barbeque sauce and cream soup (didn't have time to boil my own broth)! Three people tasted it, excluding myself, and have deduced that that was one good piece of pie!

*chucks confetti over self and blows into noisemaker* Yay, me!

I'll be making a second round of shepherd's pie sometime soon, i'll save you a piece if you want one! *chuckles* Or... do you think you'd wanna make your very own pie? If you do, here's a proposition. I'll give you the recipe, on one condition: That you let me have a helping of it too!


yeah? you will? coo!

Go get it.... HERE!

*laughs* I look forward to some good eatin' wid yous guys!


Anonymous said...

Hey Feebs!

Wow, second one huh? Well, let me tell u what happened to my attempt... it totally went wrong...

In the end, I had minced beef and mashed potatoes instead. I dunno la, once i put it into the microwave to cook it everything just somehow become mashed up...

You tell me the ingredients, I'll get it and we'll try it together, i'll crash over to your place, or we can go to somebody's house, maybe Joash's, to try it out. What say you?

nothing of interest here said...

steve lam, you've got yourself a deal! date! i need the date! ;)

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

this is when he replies ...ive got raisins... :P

Joash Chan said...

I didn't get to try your first 1. Hmm, I know of a date for a second attempt. Will let you know when I see you.

nothing of interest here said...

joash: awesome! excited already! lemme know the next time i see you then! *rubs hands in glee*

sasi: hahaha. good one.